By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hurricane Trouble!

The Miami Hurricane's have trouble coming from the horizon, When Booster Nevin Shapiro, got caught for a 900 million dollar Ponzi scheme, he decided that he wasn't going down alone so he brought up clams about him giving gifts to players. first think like ya, it happened to other teams like Ohio State, but its different. The thing players got where never like the things Miami got which were they were wined and dined, yacht party's, Alcohol, brought to strip clubs, giving money, cars, and finally prostitutes.Some of those players where Andre Johnson (above), Jon Beason, and Devin Hester. The NCAA has been investigating for the last 6 months and have decided they might use Death penalty. This is because this is there second violation before their probation had ended. Anyway to sum it all up, Miami football is probably going to have a major problems recruiting wise. I just feel bad for Golden who is the new head coach because no one told him about these allegations before he signed with miami. And then on top of that Kim kardashin is getting married, So ya this week is just a Sad week for Miami and Me. But back to the Hurricans for a second, it just isn't right that they have to suffer for what previous players did.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Surprise Surprise no really Surprise-free agency

     With the NFL Lockout done and the Free Agency Frenzy in full bloom, some surprising transactions have taken place. Lets start with the most recent one, Plaxico Burress signs with New York Jets, It was arguably the most mind blowing deal so far this off season. As Espn analyst reported, He was actually speaking to the Eagles saying he would join their team if they met his price, the jets asked if that applied to them to he said sure and no he's flying high as a Jet. Then, there is Nnamdi Asomugha, who was suppose to sign with the Jets but then the Eagles came out and signed him, And Ronnie Brown who signed with them also adds to the star power on that team.With the additions the Eagles have made, everyone who bang wagons will being hoping on theirs. ‎"I feel like we are the Miami Heat of the NFL."- Jason Babin on Eagles additions, and I agree cause the Have 3 of the best players in the league. This was like a punch for punch fight between the Eagles and Jets to see who could acquire the better players, and a rivalry has just grown, it'll be fun to see these two play.  And Finally, We have the Pats and Seahawks. The patriots took a risk in getting Albert Hanesworth, who last season couldn't pass his conditioning test until three times after. They also acquired big shot Chad Ochocinco who is sure to give them a boost, but he won't be the star wide out there yet, he has to go up against Wes Walker. Now I think we will be seeing alot more of the Seahawks in the playoffs now that they acquired Sidney Rice and Tavaris Jackson, remember these two have had a connection before since they we're both at one time starting for the Vikings, and with the Seahawks going to the playoffs last year they have only added talent. The only factor is they lost Matt Hasselbeck which Idont see as a big deal since they now have Jackson, Now dont get me wrong Matt is better than Jackson but they woun't not make the playoffs cause one man left.