By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Merry Christmas from the NBA

  December 25 aka Christmas day its going down. A NBA Finals rematch will take place because the NBAPA (Player Association), and the Owners have reached a tentative agreement and the Lockout has ended. This means the shorted NBA season will begin DEC 25. But anyways lets talk about the contents of this deal shall we? Lets start with the biggest factor of the whole deal, Luxury Tax.  In case you didn't know, Luxury tax is when a team has spent more money on players the allowed, they get taxed therefore, that money is the "Luxury Tax."Team that don't pay luxury tax such as the Clippers and 20 other teams will split the 50% of the luxury tax they get from team like the Heat, Spurs, etc. The other 50% goes to the actual league.  Compared to last year when the teams got 100% of the luxury tax money. This new agreement is set to last 10 years but either side can opt out after a Meir 6 years, but only the first two years of this deal will allow big stars that are free agents to join teams that are already over the cap such as Miami, L.A, and Dallas and others. Now for the rest of the agreement stars can still go to teams that are over the cap  as long as the team doesn't go 4 million into the luxury tax.  Now lets go into a major contributor or what could be a major contributor of that luxury tax. If a star player of a team such as Wade, Lebron, or Kobe reach certain standards set by the league their Max salary can be 30% of the teams payroll instead of the 25% it was in the past years. This is where I have a problem with this whole deal isn't the reason the Owners had locked-out the players in the first time because they decided they were getting paid more than they should? So really they did nothing other than set limits. But whatever, the agreement says that they players and owners split the revenue the league makes 50/50, unlike the 57/ 43 it was in the past with players taking the majority of the 9 billion. Yet because the season was shortened the Owners said here you go because, its our fault this happened you can have 51.2% of what we make this year. I'm just saying I'm not going to be surprised to see another lockout in the next 6 to 10 years, but until then as ESPN says "Play ball".