By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Monday, July 25, 2011


  After four months of negotiations It's finally done, it what we've all been waiting for the NFL has been unlocked. I feel like its a video game you couldn't unlock the "next level" (The next ten years, since that's how long the new collective bargaining agreement lasts) until you beat the "level" you were on (which was the lockout). During the press conference Roger Goodell  said "We know what we did to frustrate our fans over the last several months, they want football, and our job is to give them football." I think that statement sounded strong but, like something that would come out of a politicians mouth trying to win votes. That wasn't the strongest thing that was done in the press conference today, Colts center Jeff Saturday gave a giant hug to Pats owner Robert Kraft who lost his wife last Wednesday, due to cancer. Now its time for the coaches and GM's to get to work, tomorrow at 10 am they can start trading players, they can sign rookies and undrafted free agents (the biggest one being Terrelle Pryor), and teams can negotiate with Vets but cant sign them. Thursday at 4:01pm teams can cut players. Then friday the teams can start signing free agents (some big names being Deangelo Williams, Randy Moss) at 6pm.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NFL Lockout may end tomorrow!

 The NFLPA and the Owners may have the lockout ended by tomorrow, but they are missing one important asset for that to become reality. They are missing the vote from the players on the deal that was purposed. Now they have agreed on part of the deal that would give intensified injury protection benefits, the option for players to remain in  a league sponsored player medical plan for life, an annual increase in the minimum for rookies by 10 percent which means the minimum would increase each year for life (of the NFL), and 12 percent for second year players. They might have a deal done by tomorrow but as Mawae said and I quote "We're not tied to a timeline of July 21 ( tomorrow, when the owners are scheduled to meet in Atlanta). Our timeline is to get a deal that's best for the players -- today, tomorrow or whatever it might be." most reporters think the lockout will be done by the end of the week, but I think it might actually get settled next week sometime.

Friday, July 15, 2011

USA Womens Soccer

        Just two days after the USA women's soccer team pulls off a remarkable comeback against Brazil they had another comeback win against France. Wambach I think is truly the greatest player on the USA team, she just sparks the team up with every goal she makes. It seems that she cant go wrong with headers (she had two in the last two games one being the game winner). Then you have Hope Solo who is one of the most greatest goalies out there and if she makes a mistake (by not paying attention to a defender behind her in the game against France when the defender stole it right from her hand)   then tackled the defender to save what could have been a goal. Japan better watch out Sunday, because the USA is going to give them a run for their money.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to the club

 Derek Jeter has entered the 3,000 hit club. And what other way to do it the homer it, and a pair of Jordan cleats made especially just for this occasion called the DJ3K cleats.The ball is estimated to be around $250,000, but that didn't seem to phase they guy who caught it because he gave it right back to Jeter and due to his kind gestures the Yankee's gave him four tickets in a suite for every game left this season including playoffs and World series if they make it. And to make this even a more perfect moment for the man and Derek Jeter the yanks won 5 to 4 and jeter went five for five. He truly is a living Legend.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Deron in Turkey??

  Big news is starting to get confirmed by many sources that Deron William of the New Jersey Nets says, he will play in Turkey if the NBA Lockout isn't resolved with in the next few months. This could be a major problem for the Nets and Himself  if he goes to Turkey, because if he is injured oversea's his contract  it's protected. All in all, I think he actually will play at lease one game oversea's along with a couple other players. I dont think you will see another big name like him taking that risk.