By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NFL Lockout may end tomorrow!

 The NFLPA and the Owners may have the lockout ended by tomorrow, but they are missing one important asset for that to become reality. They are missing the vote from the players on the deal that was purposed. Now they have agreed on part of the deal that would give intensified injury protection benefits, the option for players to remain in  a league sponsored player medical plan for life, an annual increase in the minimum for rookies by 10 percent which means the minimum would increase each year for life (of the NFL), and 12 percent for second year players. They might have a deal done by tomorrow but as Mawae said and I quote "We're not tied to a timeline of July 21 ( tomorrow, when the owners are scheduled to meet in Atlanta). Our timeline is to get a deal that's best for the players -- today, tomorrow or whatever it might be." most reporters think the lockout will be done by the end of the week, but I think it might actually get settled next week sometime.

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