By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 weeks at least!

   Now that the NBAPA and Owners did not reach an agreement by Monday the first two weeks of the season are cancelled. According to NBA commissioner David Stern, The two parties are vary far away from each other. The great thing is that we won't have to wait until the lockout is done to see superstars like James, Wade, Melo, Amare, Rando, and may others play the game. This past weekend the superstars held a charity game in the FIU stadium (in Miami),during the time they spent together according to Amare, they discussed and decided that they will travel around the country and play a bunch of these charity games. If u happen to live in Europe, your in luck because many superstars are playing overseas and maybe be playing in a town near u! But on the other hand we want the NBA back on, and we are 103 days into this lockout, you have to wonder when will this end? According to Derek Fisher us as fans, "Must be patient." There maybe no season at all, and if there isn't i might go crazy literally!

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