By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mannnn kiss the baby!

   Chad Ochocinco is just one of the many athletes that are just agitated with the NFL owners. I think just like the rest of the NFL players, Chad just wants this to come to an end. I only think this because of what he posted on his Facebook fan page, "Todays labor negotiations on the CBA deal between owners and NFLPA has been canceled because the sides are to far apart!! Real messy this is!, and "This is my last update about the CBA but not only were meetings canceled by owners today but Tuesdays meetings have been canceled also!!!!" All I'm thinking is at the end of this all Chad is going to go to South Beach and celebrate with a Mojito, or maybe some McDonald's. This deal is going to cost billions and billions of dollars. Tedy Bruschi says, " The sign that the meetings are cancelled are a good sign." Well, he's probably thinking like that, because he's not playing in the NFL anymore.

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