By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Octopus Vs.The Rat!

It all started out in the playoffs of 1952, where in the NHL you only had to play eight games to win the Stanley Cup. In the hype of the Red Wings going further and further into the playoffs, when Pete and Jerry Cusimano, who were brothers threw an octopus on to the ice during a playoff game with the Maple Leafs. Well, in Friday nights game against the Florida Panthers, some guy did the same thing. Then, another guy threw a rat on the ice! Do you remember the last time that happened? It started out with Scott Mellanby killing a rat in the locker-room during the 1995-1996 playoffs and it started a trend, not one game, not two games but for more than three games as the Panthers went further and further fans threw more and more plastic rats on the Ice. Well, the Red wings scored with less than seven minutes to go and won the game 4-3 on Friday night. You want to know what else is a trend, how the panthers keep losing by only one point every time they lose.

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