By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mamma Drama

  42 year old mother, Gloria James mother of Lebron James was arrested at approximately 4:57 AM at the Fountain Blue hotel, on thursday morning. She had one to many drinks, because when she decided that she had been waiting to long for her car, she decided it was a good idea to take a swing at the valet man. When they asked Lebron about this, he said," you have to move forward,’’ he said, during practice at the American-Airlines Arena. “There [are] certain things you have to deal with....I have a job to do still.’’ It's seem like he's use to his mothers behavior right? I mean there was that time when he played for cleveland and during a game he ran into the stands, to tell her to sit down, because they had got into a argument. She also had sexual altercations with former team mate of Lebron, Delonte West. I just cant wait to see what she does next!

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