By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2011 Champs

 Congrats on Dallas Winning the 2011 NBA FINALS. There was a couple of things I didn't like in this series. Lets start with the refs in Dallas I mean it looked like it was rigged calling all these bad fouls on Miami, Then that affected the outcome of the series the Heat could have took the 3-2 lead instead of the Mavs then they might of won the whole thing. But whats done is done right. Then On Facebook and Twitter it felt like there was a earthquake from everyone jumping off the Heat bandwagon. The MVP award went to Dirk for his crucial performance, you can kind of think of his performance as MJ's Flu game, because even though he didn't have 60 something points like MJ did he won the most of the games for them, now don't get me wrong Jason Terry had a major impact on the Finals but Dirk was the closer. Also I hate how everybody decides to hate on Lebron, It's one man give me a break yea he could have done a much better fourth quarter performance in all the games, but he had to much heat on him (no pun intended). I was watching Espn today and I liked what one of the commentators said to LeBron," Don't try to be Jordan, just try to be yourself that would/will be good enough." Now at today's last Heat media session Wade said this, " We had a true, professional, hardworking team. This team was strictly professional. Through everything that we went through, no matter what, we all stuck together. That's what was special, what I will always remember about this 2010-2011 team. This team, short of winning a championship, was as perfect as we could be." I agree but the only funny/ true thing I've heard since Dallas won was " While everyone gangs up on Lebron for losing the Finals for the Heat I'm going to welcome the League into the brotherhood of the Lockout"- ESPN commentator Wings.

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