By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Game 4

      After tonight, the Miami Heat could take a commanding 3 games to 1 lead on the Mav's. Now I'm not going to start saying o yea the Heat are going to win, because these games have been way to close. The only reason I think the Heat have the lead is thanks to Wade. I mean sure we have had help from Lebron but I would like to see more of that umf, more of that fire. And truly I think we should be beating them in games by a lot more, none of this crap where it comes down to a 2-point win. Look how we lost game 2 (which I was lucky enough to go to thank you Mark) Dirk got the little finger roll and scored with 3 seconds left, and everyone blames it on Bosh how about blaming it on Spolstra. Now last game there was a lot of calls that were bull, and everyone knows it (yea you to Mr. Cuban) it really did look like the Mav's paid the refs. On the last play it looked like Spolstra learned a lesson and put UD on Dirk. We need to be able to also contain Marion. We are suppose to be the " Big Three" now lets play like it, It's the NBA Finals. Now tonight I say with the great Defense we have been showing we should be able to pull a W and for some reason I think Chris Bosh will be monstrous tonight. O yea, here's a fun fact since 86' every team who has won game 4 has won the championship 100% of the time.

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