By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eastern All-Star's!

On this Sunday night, it will be a battle of the east. Melo and Amare will face off against Miami's "Dream Team". Melo, and the knicks have lost to Lebrons old team the Cavilers, but the Heat haven't. Yet, The Heat cant seem to win against any of the Elite teams in the NBA. So you may ask, who will win? In my opinion, the Miami Heat, will win. It's not because I'm a Miami boy, it's because the Knicks are still getting use to playing with each other. Final score 105-100.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trading Frenzy!

 Well, This is just a breakdown of what happened today at 3pm when the deadline ended. Carmelo to the Knicks, D.Williams to the Nets, Wallace to the Blazers, Jeff Green to Boston for Kendrick Perkins and Nate Robinson, Shane B. to Memphis for Hasheem Thabeet, Carl Landry to the Hornets, Troy Murphy to Golden State for Brandan Wright and Dan G., James Johnson to the Raptors, Baron Davis to Cleveland for Mo Williams and Jamario Moon. The only trades that I think were good were the Golden state, Memphis, Knicks and Raptor trades. I mean why in the world would Baron Davis want out of the Clippers. Is he to jealous of Blake Griffin? Also, why would you trade Nate Robinson, he is a great sixth man. The main reason I don't like the Nets trade is because now, the Jazz will become like the new Cavs, unless Millsap comes out big for them. O and before I got the Aaron Brooks trade was probably the best trade this year, they both got decent players!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So who's the king of NY?

   By now most of you have found out that Carmelo Anthony has been traded to the New York Knicks. So who's team is it now? Do you have Melo as your main man, or is Amare still your man? Well, what's going through my mind is that the Knicks gave up way to much for Melo, they gave up Raymond Felton and Gallinari, but in the end it pays off with them going back to being championship contenders. And Melo is your man. Anothy will wear the number 7. There is a reason Anthony is a Jordan brand player. So tonight will be Melo's first game in NYC will he put up an MVP performance? Only he can tell us.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Dunk Contest!

  This was one of the best Dunk Contest ever! There is one name that sums it all up, BLAKE GRIFFIN! He starts it off with 360 dunk, nothing spectacular right? That's right it's more than spectacular it was phenomenal. Hold up, then there was JaVale McGee who did two separate dunks at the same time, and then he does three at the same time. Hold up, the king of the city closes up all of McGee's hope by Dunking over a car. How to some it up, It's a bird, it's a plane, no its BLAKE GRIFFIN!

The Octopus Vs.The Rat!

It all started out in the playoffs of 1952, where in the NHL you only had to play eight games to win the Stanley Cup. In the hype of the Red Wings going further and further into the playoffs, when Pete and Jerry Cusimano, who were brothers threw an octopus on to the ice during a playoff game with the Maple Leafs. Well, in Friday nights game against the Florida Panthers, some guy did the same thing. Then, another guy threw a rat on the ice! Do you remember the last time that happened? It started out with Scott Mellanby killing a rat in the locker-room during the 1995-1996 playoffs and it started a trend, not one game, not two games but for more than three games as the Panthers went further and further fans threw more and more plastic rats on the Ice. Well, the Red wings scored with less than seven minutes to go and won the game 4-3 on Friday night. You want to know what else is a trend, how the panthers keep losing by only one point every time they lose.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You get what you deserve

   Michael Vick went to jail for two year for killing dogs, but now he preaches against it. Today Vick also got what he deserved after a fantastic season like that, he got tagged by the Eagles. I personally think this is great new for Vick its one step closer to getting that long term deal he's been wanting and he deserves. For Kevin Kolb on the other hand, the only way things can get worse for him, is if he gets traded to the Redskins or Lions. You ask why did I say Redskins, because they have no star or breakout wide receiver on offense to help him out. I would much rather be traded to the Lions than the Redskins because the Lions have Calvin Johnson aka "Mega-Tron". I really do not expect Kevin to be with Philly next season anyways, since he wants a trade they will probably give him one if the deal sounds good.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Number One

      Well, today the Celtics beat the Heat to take the East. Is Boston really number one? Well, I mean they have played the Heat three times this year already and they've won all three times. Lebron had one major miss in todays game that could have sent them into over time, and then they could have won the game. Now the Celtics have taken the East by .5 of a game. The Heat need to step up their game. In my mind, I have no doubt that these to teams will meet in the Eastern Conference Finals, but who will win?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Missing Lebron

   The Cavs snapped their 26 game losing streak last night, and it was against the Clippers. Cleveland now holds the record for longest losing streak in NBA history. Could this be a glimps of light for the Cavs? No, they won to a team, who is third to last in the Western Conference. They are the only team in the NBA that hasn't won 10 games, but good job by Antwan Jamison on that buzzer beater. There is no doubt that this is going to be a long rebuilding process. Dan Gilbert got karma, he wished bad on lebron, and he got a taste of his own medicine.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mannnn kiss the baby!

   Chad Ochocinco is just one of the many athletes that are just agitated with the NFL owners. I think just like the rest of the NFL players, Chad just wants this to come to an end. I only think this because of what he posted on his Facebook fan page, "Todays labor negotiations on the CBA deal between owners and NFLPA has been canceled because the sides are to far apart!! Real messy this is!, and "This is my last update about the CBA but not only were meetings canceled by owners today but Tuesdays meetings have been canceled also!!!!" All I'm thinking is at the end of this all Chad is going to go to South Beach and celebrate with a Mojito, or maybe some McDonald's. This deal is going to cost billions and billions of dollars. Tedy Bruschi says, " The sign that the meetings are cancelled are a good sign." Well, he's probably thinking like that, because he's not playing in the NFL anymore.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miami's new QB

            Ex Michigan QB Tate Forcier is transferring to the University Of Miami. He wasn't able to play in Michigan because of his grades, so even if he gets good grades at miami he will not be able to play till 2012. My take on this is, for some odd reason I think he will be just as bad as Jacory Harris. Jacory transfered to Baylor. He will probably even be a back-up QB. Based on their stats they look almost identical in rushing TD's and passing TD's. If the O-line doesn't get better Tate might look like Jacory in this video. ---------->

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Melo with lakers?

   Speculation is starting up as the Nuggets are having talks with the Lakers on getting Carmelo Anthony. There saying that the deal would be focused around Andrew Bynum. In my mind, this trade will be the key for the Lakers to win the NBA Finals if not this year, then next year. If your a Knicks fan then don't worry about it, Melo already made it clear that he wants to build a dynasty in NYC, but still he could build dynasty in LA. Either way this turns out, if he gets traded to NY or LA, or he leaves in free agency, he is/will be leaving Denver. There is no doubt that the Nuggets aren't going to get what he's worth, but they better get something because something is better than nothing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Packers take it home.

    Well, after a messed up national anthem (thank you Christina Aguilera), and the worst half time performance I've ever seen,  the Cheese Heads took home the trophy. I have to say, the worst thing about the Super Bowl other than the fact that the Packers won, was the Band wagoner's (the people who instantly change teams). My take on the game, It was intricate game. Aaron Rodgers is a phenomenal QB, he threw three TD's and zero interceptions, compared to Big Ben who only threw two touchdowns and two interceptions. The Steelers Mendenhall ran like a bull out there it took multiple defenders to take him down. The only thing that gave the Steelers some life was when Charles Woodson and Sam Shields went down, even though Shields would return after the half-time break. The controversial play at the end when they passed it to Mike Wallace who was double covered wasn't very smart, but It should have been called defensive pass interference.  I'm a Steeler fan, all I can say is we can't win them all. The one thing i want to know is, what is Brett Favre thinking now?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Vick named comeback player of the year.

   Well, that was no surprise, Vick was named CPOY. The man went from a dog fighting pot head, to one who preaches against it. Vick is the only player in NFL history to come back from jail and win it. The thing that might surprise is that he had more passing plays then rushing plays this year compared to when he when was on the Falcons when he beat most running backs in total rushing yards. My take, is that just like any other person point of view, I really do think he has changed as a man and a football player, on and off the field.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Doesn't everyone love new records!

   According to the Continental Hockey League a defensive player from Russia has broke the record for the hardest slap shot. The shot went a record braking 110.3 mph. the mans name is, Avangard Omsk's Denis Kulyash, who was drafted by the Nashville Predators of the NHL but never played a game. My take on this, its amazing that anyone can hit a puck let alone anything that hard. Then again, they are built to play the game like this.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Everything good comes to an end.

   Andy Pettitte,the New York Yankee star will announce his retirement tomorrow. He made his name known after former pitcher Roger Clemens got caught using steroids. Andy is what  completed this franchise. It's funny that no one knew about him then he ends up winning the world series. He is a future Hall of Famer, just because of his stay in New York. Andy played 16 years in the MLB, 13 with the Yanks, and three with Houston. I have to now think that since they didn't get Cliff  Lee that there pitching rotation will never look as good as it was.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new king in town?

      With the Lakers going down hill fast, you have to think is Kobe still the King of L.A? The Lakers have now lost seven games since Christmas. The big ones were against Miami and Boston two nights ago. On the other had, the rookie of the year Blake Griffin is looking pretty tenacious out there. Every day you see what the dunk of the night was and it ether has to do with Lebron or Blake. I never see Kobe's name up there. So my opinion is that yes, there is a new king in town, and he's a rookie. Blake Griffin, every game he performs a dunk that is good enough to win the Dunk Competition. It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's BLAKE GRIFFIN!     (Griffin is in the form of the Hulk below)