By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Trash talk!

 According to Kevin Durant, Chris Bosh isn't who most of us think. Kevin Durant says " Chris Bosh is one of the fakes tough guys in the NBA". My take on this is that he got a little mad after Bosh, Dwyane Wade, and Lebron Stole the game from him. The Heat won 108-103. Kevin grow up man, ya you made the all-star starting line up and bosh didnt but, he should of. Durant I think is all talk and no show.  I guess we will just have to see who goes to the finals this year. O and by the way,this was Wade's, and Bosh's first game back.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What he's worth.

  Mr. Pujols is saying that he will decline any trade offer. My take on this, is that Albert is doing what every other player in sports is trying to do get more money out of it. The thing is he's debatable the best player in MLB, so with that he can screw them, and go in free agency. At the end, he signs with the Cardinals for a 4 year extension.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Punch for punch?

  Steelers, and the Packers what do they have in common? They are both going to the game that every little boy dreams of playing in, the Super Bowl. This game is going to be a hard fought one. Every player wants that ring. My take on the game, can be summed up in one word "DEFENSE." James Harrison vs Clay Matthews. O yea! Now I know why the tickets are sky rocketing. Now, I think the "Black and Yellow" come out on top 28-24. Plus, James Harrison was on the Sports Illustrated.

What a Deal?

 NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell is saying that he will take a pay cut if they avoid a lockout to help with expenses. The pay cut that will bring his pay check to one individual dollar. My take on this is that its not that bad for him, actually I don't think that it matters. his pay would be like the president. I mean he must have saved up some of those millions he got from his previous seasons. Then again, I think they all get paid to much.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fill in the blank.

     So we use to call him Chad Johnson, and Chad Ochocinco, now he's changing his name again! So fill in the blank,Chad _______. His name will be Chad Johnson. Well, Chad has challenged his Head Coach Marvin Lewis to cage match. Can this man get any funnier? nope! He is essentially telling Mr. Lewis to " KISS THE BABY." Now according to his Facebook fan page probably going to the Super Bowl since he said "Join me and my special invited guest Sat Feb 5 @ Fashion Industry Gallery Dallas with Biz Markie Spinning", I can only assume since he will be in Dallas not that far from where the Super Bowl will be the following day. 

Super Bowl!

      As February sixth nears we look back at January 24 and all that it held. Well, the Packers advanced to the Super Bowl by beating the Bears. Do the Packers have what it takes to win a Lombardi trophy? I'm guessing not. The Bears almost came back and won with their third string QB. I do wonder though, if they do lose , how will the car salesman who go fired for wearing a Packers tie will feel? Now, the Steelers, they made the Jets look like little kid during the first half. Then, the Jets started to look like they were an actual NFL team in the second half, but then, the defence couldn't stop Big Ben. I know its early but I'm going to set in my prediction for a Steelers win and a score of 28-24.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are they Jets high flying their way to the Super Bowl?

  If the New York Jets happen to beat the Steelers tonight, The Super Bowl will be anything but boring. The Jets vs Packers, now that's a well rounded game. I feel that the Jets will have to confide in Bart Scott, Darrelle Revis, Jason Tayor, and their vigorous defense to stop Aaron Rodgers and the Cheese Heads.  There is just by no means, or way that Mark Sanchez can carry them to a victory by himself. There will be a fight for every yard in this game, no one is going down with out a fight! 

Demanding a Trade.

  Bangles QB Carson Palmer, decided that he would like to be traded. As soon as the new was released Chad Ochocinco,  WR of the Bangles had some thing to say about it. Chad posted on his Facebook page, "Carson Palmer demands a trade? Last person demanded a trade in Cincy was crucified by the media n had to win the fans back, how will this go?" He's exactly right, Carson wants to leave after one disappointing season, I have one thing to say to him, GET REAL KID! Then again, Chad probably will not be with Cincinnati, so what does he care. There is no doubt that there are many teams in need of his services, but do any have what it takes to acquire the QB

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Old buddys

   The Tampa Bay Rays made it happen. Former Redsox's, Johnny Damon, and Manny Ramirez are headed to Tampa. Damon got a deal worth five and a quarter million, while  Manny got a deal worth only two million. I'm going to say that this is really going to bring back some life into this team, since they got rid of star players like Carl Crawford, Matt Garza, and Carlos Pena. There is a big down side to bringing these guys in, Manny even if he turns up being as good as he was, will probably retire after the season since he is 38 years old ( not giving them the chance to resign him, if he's worth it).  Damon is right behind him at 37, and most likely only has 2-3 years left, and thats why they signed them to one year deals.

Friday, January 21, 2011

All eyes on Cam.

  BCS winner and future top 15 pick Cam Newton has picked an agent. Somehow this is the big story of the day. The agent, Bus Cook has work with Brett Favre. This could either be a big step since Brett is a legend, or this could be a complete disaster since Brett and Cook couldn't decide when to retire. My opinion, is that this makes no difference to his draft stock , since skills talk for them self.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

They can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk?

  The most trash talk we have heard from the Steelers/Jets came has been said today. This time though, its from the Steelers! Corner-Back Ike Taylor says, he will try his best to lay out old teammate and still friend Santonio Holmes. In my book, I think Ike can try but it will not end up happening because Holmes is just plain out better than him. Anyway I think my Steelers end up not going to the Super Bowl.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Anyone's Game?

   The Gang Green held Tom Brady and the Pats, but now they have an even bigger challenge, The Steel Curtain. Can anger win the game for the Jets, I'm guessing it might. Will Troy Polamalu and the rest of the Steelers D show why they made it this far? All I can say is that this game is going to be a Defensive one, with Troy vs Bart. Bart Scott the Linebacker for the jets said it best, " Anybody can be beat!" Then when asked how it felt he said," It felt great poetic justice, we know we are a much better team than we came and represented our-self's."
and he got it exactly right, now they need to show that Sunday at 6:30 in Pittsburgh. At the end of the day, I'm picking the Jets over my favorite team the Steelers and the score will be 31-28.

Monday, January 17, 2011

They're Soaring High

    In last nights win over New England that is exactly what the Jets were doing, the Jets came into the game being the underdog and they knew it. What I think won the game for them, was the determination, the aggressiveness, the fact that they wanted to prove all the non-believers. I have sources saying, that last nights game was the most watched game ever in NFL history. 43.5 million viewers tuned in to watch the highly anticipated game. The score of the game was 28-21, just as I had predicted in my last post about this game.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heat gone cold

   Now that the heat have lost four straight in a row, they are starting to look a little shady. The problem is that Lebron, Bosh, and Wade have minor injuries preventing them to play 100% or even play at all. My guess is that they turn it around next game with a win in the book and start a new win streak. Bosh's ankle was the main factor in last nights game, since they only lost by three points I think, Bosh could have secured a win.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

War of Words?

    Rex Ryan, and some players on the Jets have been going after the Patriots. Rex has always been known as a funny one. The things he was saying about Tom Brady, was pure hatred. As I can recall,  Rex said,"There's nobody like this guy in the league. Nobody studies like him," talking about Payton Manning. Ryan also said, "I know Brady thinks he does. I think there's probably a little more help with Belichick with Brady, than there is with Peyton Manning." This Sunday, Mr.Ryan will be anything but funny, since he lost to them 45 to 3. The big factor in this game I'm guessing will be the Jets offense.When it comes down to the end of the day, I think the Jets end up living up to the hype and win 28 to 21.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let off easy?

  Well, thats exactly what I think happened to Hall of Fame player Lawrence Taylor. When you rape a 16 year old girl, you could end up going to jail for at lease a couple years If you are a normal person. But, Mr. Taylor got the easy way out by excepting a plea deal that only sentenced him to probation for six years. I don't understand why Michael Vick would get two years of jail time but, Taylor only gets probation. I understand that Vick killed a couple of dogs but in my mind, I truly think, that raping and molesting a girl is far worse than what Vick did.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Legendary Lakers?

   Thats what it looked liked last night when the Lakers blew out the Cavs by 55 points. This game had to the most miserable thing to ever happen to them since Lebron took his talents to South Beach. Lebron must have been watching because while watching ESPN this morning they showed that Lebron tweeted "Crazy. Karma is a b****. Gets you every time. It's not good to wish bad on anybody. God sees everything!" If you can remember, Dan Gilbert said "The self-declared former 'King' will be taking the 'curse' with him down south,"And until he does 'right' by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma." This game looked like it was kids (the Cavs) verse a team of legends (the Lakers). All in all, the Cavs need to sign a big time player this off season, and it's not going to be Carmelo Anthony.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday Night Nightmare!

  That's exactly what it was at the BCS Championship game for the Ducks. When you tie the game at 19 with two minutes to go, you cant fall apart like that. This was surely a game of defenses. You kind of knew what to expect from Cam Newton and LaMichael James. The thing you didn't expect was for Oregon to fall apart with two minutes to go in the game. The most disappointing thing I have to seen that field goal go in with the time expiring. All in all, it was a hard fought game and I expect more out of this Oregon team next year.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

H.O.F finalist chosen

Well,the H.O.F finalist have been chosen.Former steeler Jerome Bettis aka the Bus is among them with Curtis Martin, Deion Sanders, and Marshall Fulk. I think that Jerome really deserves to get in, he basically led the steelers to the super bowl every time they went. Also, Deion Sanders also deserves to go in,I mean his nickname Prime Time, says it all. No matter what though all these guys have an equal chance at going in!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ed Reed's brother gone missing

 ESPN is reporting that Ed Reed of the Baltimore Ravens brother is missing. His brother Brian Reed was fleeing cops when he decided to jump off a 15 foot bridge, after he landed in the Mississippi River, he resurfaced but then went down under and was never seen again. All I can say is that my prayers go out to the family and to keep strong.


  I'm sure most of you know that the Nets are desperately trying to get Carmelo Anthony, But even if they get him he will leave this off-season so what's the point? Well the honestly I don't think he should. He is going to the Knicks he said that and do you know who I think will be joining him Chris Paul. Well, since the Nets are trying to desperately get him they brought Detroit into this by sending Billups, and Rip Hamilton to the Nets with Melo according to ESPN. I honestly don't think this trade will ever happen. All I have to say is this should be a much anticipated summer.

Friday, January 7, 2011

49ers New coach?

 Coach Harbaugh after not agreeing on a deal with the Miami Dolphins was expected to stay at stanford, but now he will be coaching Troy Smith, Michael Crabtree, and Patrick Willis next season as the coach of the 49ers. I think there was only two reasons he didn't  sign with another team, that is because one, he got about the same amount since he doesn't have to buy a new house and two, he didn't have to move out of state. His deal is worth 25 million over five years. This I think will be a great thing for both sides since he should how good he was at Stanford. This will be the first time he returns to the NFL since  he coached the quaterbacks for Oakland in 2002 and 2003.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lucky draft no more.

  Stanford's Andrew Luck is now saying that he will not enter the NFL Draft.  He would have been picked as the no.1 pick. There is a chance that he might be a insane, but he goes to Stanford one of the most prestigious schools in the USA. He is saying that he is staying only to go after the Pac-10 championship and to finish collage. He is one of very few to what I think, is the right chose for most collage football players. In this case though I would have personally entered the draft since you're draft stock cant go any higher, and this is more money than more players will ever see with their name on it. In a time like this, you have to think what's going through his mind.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Titans split with Young.

   Titans don't want Vince with them in 2011, so where will he go? Lets look at all the teams that need a QB, Miami, Carolina, Arizona,  and Washington if McNabb leaves which will most likely happen. In my mind if he goes in a trade it will be to Miami or Washington. This is due to the fact that if trading with Miami, Jeff Fisher will be thinking that he can improve Chad Henne. If they release him, Arizona will try to offer him a good deal, but with his talent they might sign someone they would be better without. When it comes down to the facts, Vince Young will have a team in 2011.

Flight Fight!

   Thats exactly what happened on the Memphis Grizzlies plane on monday. O.J. Mayo and teammate Tony Allen exchanged punches over who owed who money over a card game. I'm thinking that since they don't tell you the amount that it must be at least a couple of grand. These to guys are teammates, they should have got along. Although  I say they should but the blame on them, but put the blame on commissioner David Stern for not and still not banning NBA players from gambling on team planes. Could this be a glimpse of O.J. turning into his father? My guess is no, I say that because all sports players get into some type of trouble.

Sparano done in Miami?

  Well at lease that's what it looks like. Tony is most likely done since he went  7-9 even after he signed the biggest Wideout in free agency Brandon Marshall , but we cant just blame it on the coach it was also the fact that QB Chad Henne had 19 interceptions at the most critical times in their games. The fact is I'm thinking that they are both done in Miami. Now ESPN is saying that the Dolphins are in talks with former Steeler Bill Cowher. This would be great for Miami to get him since he has experience in winning Super Bowl's. Now all they have to do is get Cam Newton, Andrew Luck or any other top QB in the draft.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The deal in Ohio

    Well lets start off with the fact that the Bengal's head coach Marvin Lewis  has been given an extension on his contract, after a down right embarrassing season with a  4-12 record. The only thing I can imagine them doing this for is to give the guy a second chance.I mean you have to put some of the blame on your players out there right? For example, star wide receiver Chad Ochocinco who had a horrendous season with only four touchdowns on 67 catches. Now that chad had pushed for them to sign T.O, he might loose his job since T.O outplayed him. Don't get me wrong I love this guy but  they wouldn't resign him for a six year one-hundred million dollar contract which he wants according to his facebook fan page. My guess is he is going to Miami or Washington.

Monday, January 3, 2011


 What's up with the Miami Heat! Well lets see they lost to Dallas, then win 13 games in a row lose to Dallas again then go on a six game win streak. Are the Heat just that good? Heck ya they are! They blew out the defending champs (Lakers). Well now they have a seven game win streak! Well, Miami is just on fire, since they got there stuff situated. And I don't understand what was more uglier the Lakers performance or Kobe's lime green shoes.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Off Season With Brett.

     Here we go again, Brett Favre is saying that he will not be returning to play in the NFL next season. I'm thinking that this man is really serious this time. There is no way that him at this age will return with all of his injuries including his shoulder. As I have said many times "this old man is done!" Although during the last SuperBowl there was a commercial with him winning the 2020 MVP award. That will never happen but I have to say that would be funny .