By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Three Musketeers!

Well, lets start off with fact that the Big 3 combined for 94 points. Now we just have to wait for that historical night when they combine for 100 points. Houston wasn't bad, they put a fight up until the fourth quarter. Wait, doesn't that sound familiar like the Heat up until two weeks ago. The lead changed 11 times between the two teams, and the game got tied up 15 times. This is a game that going into it, you would think it would be a blow out. This was a very high scoring game with the final 125-119.  Bosh, Lebron, and Wade all had double doubles. When it came to turnovers, both teams were dead even with 10 each.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ochocinco to play for Kansas!

Yes, we are talking football, but not the football your thinking about. Ochocinco's soccer career has taken off and with a MLS team called Sporting Kansas. Want to know what I think, this all start off when he played that game against the Patriots, and he kicked the field goal. And now he will actually be playing in a game! A reserve game, but still. what other way to keep fit and fast, then play soccer with the NFL lockout. When he goes back to Cinci, he will have to play football, and for someone he hates ( Marvin Lewis). Ochocinco said this "Marvin Lewis won't say anything bad about Carson Palmer, stays kissing his ass, but disses Ochocinco daily...SMH." Maybe soccer is just one of his ways of getting away.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Controversial upset!

In the second round of March Madness,  (13) Morehead St. was playing against (4) Louisville , just remember not many people know about Morehead St.. This was one of those games you just expect Louisville to run over the other team. After the first half it didn't seem like that was going to happen with the score tied up at 33. The big play makers in this game for Morehead were (11)Terrance Hill and (22) Demonte Harper. Hill had 23 points while Harper had only 8 points. If you look at the play by plays Harper missed shot, then missed layup, foul on harper, missed shot again, It didn't look good for him. So back to the second half, Louisville actually starts to pull away, but wait is it a bird, is it a plane, no wait its Hill tying the game with seven minutes to go. So then Morehead starts to pull away when  Terrance Jennings shows up big for Louisville and cuts the lead to one with three minutes to go. Louisville would actually take the lead, with a minute to go. Then seven seconds left in the game a Harper hits a three pointer to take the lead 62 to 61. Then Louisville takes the ball up the court tries to shoot a three but there was contact on the play but refs call nothing, and there goes Louisville's chances of winning it all this year.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


  The Thunder pull it off again, and this time it was against the Miami Heat. This gives them their 5th straight win. Sometimes, you have to wonder how the Heat can come off huge wins against the Lakers, and the Spurs and lose to the Thunder.  The Spurs, and Lakers are both ranked higher than the Thunder. There can only be one excuse for this mess, Kevin Durant. He was much more effective in his game verse the Heat than, Kobe, Parker, or Duncan. The Heat played well in last nights game, just not well enough to pull in a win. It's truly all their fault, Kevin Durant was unstop-able. He had 29 points and when it came to 3-point shooting he only missed one. He made his points when they truly needed it. Wade and Bosh both had 21 points, but the king had only 19. Everyone on the Thunder who played had at least four points, but some of the Heat players didn't even have one. All there is to say is that you have to be a little disappointed with the Heat. Thunder took this one 96 to 85.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The path to a championship!

Well, if the Heat keep playing like this thats exactly what they will be winning this year. 12 days ago the Heat got blown out by 30 points against the best team in the NBA (the Spurs), but just two days ago the Heat returned the favor a blew them out by 30. Winning against the Lakers, that was what started the fire, now that they beat San Antonio, thats just adding fuel to the fire! As I said in my last post what they needed to win that game against the Spurs two days ago was Defense ( which they provided very strongly in the fourth quarter), and bench production ( which was also provided). Now in order to keep their steak hot, tonight they will have to pull off a win against the Thunder. Again key to this game is Defense and Bench production. You may ask yourself why don't I say Offense? Well, thats because if your Defense comes out big for you it leads to offense. We should expect nothing less from the Dwyane Wade, who won the "Player of the Week" award last week.  I can expect nothing less than a W from the Heat tonight.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Back on track?

     In their last two games, the Heat have beaten the Lakers and blown out Memphis. Today, Miami's "Big 3" wont be the only one's that have to show up big for them, people like Mike Miller and Mike Bibby have to show up big to. San Antonio will be up for a challenge if the Bench can score big. Just remember Tony Parker is suppose to be out with a sprained ankle but he's not, so the key to this game is defense. Also we can just give up in the fourth quarter like we did the last time we played these guys. Wade should be playing his best, since he won sole custody of his two sons. Wade said," A huge weight has been taken off my back." He has been playing amazing lately, think what he will be able to pull of now. My mind says Heat win 102 to 98 tonight.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Locked out

 Well, it happened, the NFL has a lockout. So the only way to continue talks is for the players union to sue, and that's exactly what they did. But, did they do it for that reason, no not at all, they did it because they that if they pursue this legally, they wont end up losing money. Ask Roger Goodell, they know they will lose in court, that why he said," We will be prepared to negotiate." the last time the league had a lockout was back in 1987. If they love the game as much as the rest of America does, they will get a deal done by the end of next week.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Miami loss

This one was a nail biter, but again Miami fell apart again in the fourth quarter. Mario Chalmers almost won the game for them, but Lebron had to foul off a free throw to give the Bulls a chance to take the lead in the last 10 seconds. They converted, but yet again a mistake came from Lebron he missed a layup, again let me say a layup. I'm just saying that when it comes down to that, a person your paying 20 million a year better make that. Don't get me wrong I love Lebron, but you have to make those. Then, Dwyane Wade does what he has to after he rebounds it, fling it up there, but it didn't go. How do you foul someone with less than 10 seconds left. All I have to say, is that the Heat are losing fans, not me, but there losing them and there losing them fast. Bandwagoners, you have to hate them.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well, Its looks like Carlos Arroyo will be joining the Celtics for the rest of this season. Arroyo was released by the Heat earlier this week so they could get Mike Bibby. So what was Arroyo thinking? Well, he was thinking, you want to release me for some other kid who is not even as good as me, then fine I'll just go help the team you can't seem to stop. So that's what he was thinking, and if you think I'm going to say that he was wrong, you must be on drugs. He is a genius, he just made a un-beatable team more powerful and seal the hopes that much more of all the other teams in the east but the Bulls and Heat. I mean lets face it if Rondo get injured thats going to be really devastating, since they have no backups since they are injured, but now it's like a "little safe zone" you may call.  It still going to hurt them just not that much since he's a veteran player, and he knows how to play.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Colder than a Coors!

The Miami Heat are colder than a Coors light beer. There is no excuse to be preforming this bad in the fourth quarter,when you have players of these calibers. Star players that you paying 20 million a year need to do better. I have one thing to say to Lebron and coach Erik Spoelstra, DON'T GIVE THE BALL TO LEBRON IN THE LAST SECONDS. I say this not to disrespect them, but Lebron took the last shot in the last two games, and missed them both. We lost those games, those "Key Games". All I'm saying is that they need to get their crap together, because they are starting to look like BYU's mens basketball team, who went out there beat the number 1 seed then gets blown out by one of the worst teams. Except the Heat never beat the number one seed and we will see if the can tonight when they take on the Spurs.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Deadline not as near as we thought

Well, up until this afternoon the deadline for the CBA (If I need to dumb it down, the thing that might keep the NFL from having a 2012 season) had been set to expire 11:59pm eastern time tonight. After a proposal from the owners ( also know as plain out the NFL), the NFL players (known as the NFLPA) agreed to extend for exactly 24hrs. So will they get a deal done by 11:59pm tomorrow? Well, I mean they have to be agreeing on somethings to extend it, but I truly think it's just that both side's are afraid of the "Lockout". It kind of reminds me of the game called "Chicken" (not Chicken fights that you play in the pool) with the two drivers being the Owners and NFLPA. Tomorrow should be anything but boring in Washington D.C, but I have a gut feeling that we will be waiting another six months till this deal is even close to done. You just cant rush the idea of what to do with the 9 billion that the Owners want to split. They ( the Owners) get one billion instantly now they want two billion. I am siding with the players, but the men with the goods more than likely are going to win they have more money and they have the facilities.