By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The path to a championship!

Well, if the Heat keep playing like this thats exactly what they will be winning this year. 12 days ago the Heat got blown out by 30 points against the best team in the NBA (the Spurs), but just two days ago the Heat returned the favor a blew them out by 30. Winning against the Lakers, that was what started the fire, now that they beat San Antonio, thats just adding fuel to the fire! As I said in my last post what they needed to win that game against the Spurs two days ago was Defense ( which they provided very strongly in the fourth quarter), and bench production ( which was also provided). Now in order to keep their steak hot, tonight they will have to pull off a win against the Thunder. Again key to this game is Defense and Bench production. You may ask yourself why don't I say Offense? Well, thats because if your Defense comes out big for you it leads to offense. We should expect nothing less from the Dwyane Wade, who won the "Player of the Week" award last week.  I can expect nothing less than a W from the Heat tonight.

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