By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Controversial upset!

In the second round of March Madness,  (13) Morehead St. was playing against (4) Louisville , just remember not many people know about Morehead St.. This was one of those games you just expect Louisville to run over the other team. After the first half it didn't seem like that was going to happen with the score tied up at 33. The big play makers in this game for Morehead were (11)Terrance Hill and (22) Demonte Harper. Hill had 23 points while Harper had only 8 points. If you look at the play by plays Harper missed shot, then missed layup, foul on harper, missed shot again, It didn't look good for him. So back to the second half, Louisville actually starts to pull away, but wait is it a bird, is it a plane, no wait its Hill tying the game with seven minutes to go. So then Morehead starts to pull away when  Terrance Jennings shows up big for Louisville and cuts the lead to one with three minutes to go. Louisville would actually take the lead, with a minute to go. Then seven seconds left in the game a Harper hits a three pointer to take the lead 62 to 61. Then Louisville takes the ball up the court tries to shoot a three but there was contact on the play but refs call nothing, and there goes Louisville's chances of winning it all this year.

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