By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well, Its looks like Carlos Arroyo will be joining the Celtics for the rest of this season. Arroyo was released by the Heat earlier this week so they could get Mike Bibby. So what was Arroyo thinking? Well, he was thinking, you want to release me for some other kid who is not even as good as me, then fine I'll just go help the team you can't seem to stop. So that's what he was thinking, and if you think I'm going to say that he was wrong, you must be on drugs. He is a genius, he just made a un-beatable team more powerful and seal the hopes that much more of all the other teams in the east but the Bulls and Heat. I mean lets face it if Rondo get injured thats going to be really devastating, since they have no backups since they are injured, but now it's like a "little safe zone" you may call.  It still going to hurt them just not that much since he's a veteran player, and he knows how to play.

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