By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Deadline not as near as we thought

Well, up until this afternoon the deadline for the CBA (If I need to dumb it down, the thing that might keep the NFL from having a 2012 season) had been set to expire 11:59pm eastern time tonight. After a proposal from the owners ( also know as plain out the NFL), the NFL players (known as the NFLPA) agreed to extend for exactly 24hrs. So will they get a deal done by 11:59pm tomorrow? Well, I mean they have to be agreeing on somethings to extend it, but I truly think it's just that both side's are afraid of the "Lockout". It kind of reminds me of the game called "Chicken" (not Chicken fights that you play in the pool) with the two drivers being the Owners and NFLPA. Tomorrow should be anything but boring in Washington D.C, but I have a gut feeling that we will be waiting another six months till this deal is even close to done. You just cant rush the idea of what to do with the 9 billion that the Owners want to split. They ( the Owners) get one billion instantly now they want two billion. I am siding with the players, but the men with the goods more than likely are going to win they have more money and they have the facilities.

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