By: Max Costanzo
none of these pictures are mine unless I state.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Season Kickoff

Last night the Miami Heat played in the American Airlines Arena, against themselves what they called a "Red and Black scrimmage". It was the first chance for fans to see their first glimpse of this years Heat team, which includes Eddy Curry, Shane Battier, Norris Cole. Also they extended head coach Erik Spolstra's contract.

Now today Lebron opened his highly anticipated store "Unknwn" in Aventura Mall, which I was lucky enough to go to  go to and even be one of the first ten people to go in. I was able to get two exclusive Lebron shoes called the Cannons and Free gums (only 150 released pairs). It was an amazing store which contains more than just basketball clothing and gear. Lebron had a private viewing tonight for people with special invitation's to attend at the store, which I wasn't invited to.

Now, Their first game is Christmas day against the NBA champions Dallas Mavericks. Its an NBA finals rematch. Where lebron will debue his Christmas Day Lebron 9's which come out the 26th, lets just hope that he has improved which I'm sure he has on his finishing performance, Bosh has gotten bigger (this was a big off-season for him), and wade has gotten healthier. This could be a redemption for them. I'm predicting that they will go to the Finals and win, but then all people who hate the Heat will use the lockout and this shortened season as an excuse. All in all, I expect a bigger, better, stronger Miami Heat.      

Paul a Clipper

Chris Paul finally signed with LA....The LA Clippers that is. He will have the luxury of playing aside Blake Griffin, De Andrea Jordan, and Chauncey Billups. Many questions now arise since the signing of Paul, the biggest one, which team owns LA now? Obviously history wise the Lakers do, due to all the hall of famers they've had, and all the championships they've won. But when we talk present day, some are saying its the end of the Kobe era, and when you subtract Odom from that roster (because he was traded to out of all places, Dallas another big western conference contender, and NBA champions) Griffin and Paul seem like a dynamic duo. Are the clippers now the team to beat? I guess we'll find out.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Merry Christmas from the NBA

  December 25 aka Christmas day its going down. A NBA Finals rematch will take place because the NBAPA (Player Association), and the Owners have reached a tentative agreement and the Lockout has ended. This means the shorted NBA season will begin DEC 25. But anyways lets talk about the contents of this deal shall we? Lets start with the biggest factor of the whole deal, Luxury Tax.  In case you didn't know, Luxury tax is when a team has spent more money on players the allowed, they get taxed therefore, that money is the "Luxury Tax."Team that don't pay luxury tax such as the Clippers and 20 other teams will split the 50% of the luxury tax they get from team like the Heat, Spurs, etc. The other 50% goes to the actual league.  Compared to last year when the teams got 100% of the luxury tax money. This new agreement is set to last 10 years but either side can opt out after a Meir 6 years, but only the first two years of this deal will allow big stars that are free agents to join teams that are already over the cap such as Miami, L.A, and Dallas and others. Now for the rest of the agreement stars can still go to teams that are over the cap  as long as the team doesn't go 4 million into the luxury tax.  Now lets go into a major contributor or what could be a major contributor of that luxury tax. If a star player of a team such as Wade, Lebron, or Kobe reach certain standards set by the league their Max salary can be 30% of the teams payroll instead of the 25% it was in the past years. This is where I have a problem with this whole deal isn't the reason the Owners had locked-out the players in the first time because they decided they were getting paid more than they should? So really they did nothing other than set limits. But whatever, the agreement says that they players and owners split the revenue the league makes 50/50, unlike the 57/ 43 it was in the past with players taking the majority of the 9 billion. Yet because the season was shortened the Owners said here you go because, its our fault this happened you can have 51.2% of what we make this year. I'm just saying I'm not going to be surprised to see another lockout in the next 6 to 10 years, but until then as ESPN says "Play ball".

Thursday, October 20, 2011

RIP Dan Wheldon

     Just 5 days ago, Dan Wheldon was alive and well, but then something terrible happened. Dan and 14 other drivers were involved in a horrific car crash last Sunday at the Las Vegas Motorsport speedway. If you have seen the video of the crash, his car is the one that goes airborne and basically turns into a ball of fire after hitting the wall. He was alive when the medics took him away, but soon later died. His cause of death was declared from head trauma. You might remember the Indy 500, yea he was the winner. My prayers and thoughts go out to his wife and two children. Nothing can describe it better than what one of the racers said, "everyone lost a piece of racing in them today."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 weeks at least!

   Now that the NBAPA and Owners did not reach an agreement by Monday the first two weeks of the season are cancelled. According to NBA commissioner David Stern, The two parties are vary far away from each other. The great thing is that we won't have to wait until the lockout is done to see superstars like James, Wade, Melo, Amare, Rando, and may others play the game. This past weekend the superstars held a charity game in the FIU stadium (in Miami),during the time they spent together according to Amare, they discussed and decided that they will travel around the country and play a bunch of these charity games. If u happen to live in Europe, your in luck because many superstars are playing overseas and maybe be playing in a town near u! But on the other hand we want the NBA back on, and we are 103 days into this lockout, you have to wonder when will this end? According to Derek Fisher us as fans, "Must be patient." There maybe no season at all, and if there isn't i might go crazy literally!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tigers take it!

    In today's highly anticipated game (1)LSU took on (17)UF . As soon as the game started is when the Gators  started losing, the second play of the game LSU QB Jarrett Lee heaved a pass down field and found Rueben Randle for the 46 yard score. At the end of the first it was 14-0 Tigers. The only time the Florida scored in the first half was off a field goal. The finals score was 41 to 11, It was as if LSU was playing little kids out there, It was sad to watch.  What really killed Florida was third downs they only converted on 2 of their 11 times, also the Gators had two turnovers both int's while LSU had none. LSU running back Spencer Ware had two of the teams five touchdowns, he also racked up 109 yard tremendous day for the Sophomore, who has scored half of his career Td's in this game. He has also triple the amount of Td's he had last year (1) . O and boy do i feel bad for the freshman Punter of LSU he had completely faked the defense out on a fake punt, and scored. How often do u hear of a punter scoring? Exactly, but then disaster when the refs called it back under the new rules the league has he some how was called for a penalty.  At the end of the day I dont think Florida should even be rated. At the end of the day I think that today really showed that Florida shouldn't even really be rated while LSU stays steady at number 1.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hail Newton!

      Cam Newton is looking like a totally different person then he did in the pre-season. He has turned into a complete monster so far this season. He has passed for 854 yards, 3 passing touchdown, 71 rushing yards, and 2 rushing td's. Of course he has alot of interceptions (4), but hey isn't that what happens to almost every rookie QB? I just cant wait to see what this guys stats are at the end of the season. He was a major steal for fantasy owners before the regular season started, because he want showing a good performance so people got him in the late rounds, Now everyone is realizing just how much of a amazing player he is and they are starting to pick him early. When asked about how he compares to Tom Brady he said,"I mean we both play in the same league." To me this statement is  saying something like "ya I can compare myself to him, I'm an elite Quarterback also." and also gives you a little hint of "He's got nothing on me." I know he's been doing phenomenal for a rookie QB, but he needs to slow his roll because Brady has 11 years of NFL experience, and its not like they're stats are similar I mean Brady has 7 TD's and only 1 int. I just cant wait for that match up which won't be this season,unless they both make it to the playoffs.  But anyways this Sunday history will be made when Cam Newton faces off against Blane Gabbert because this is the first time since the 70's to elite rookie QB's both start against each other.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hurricane Trouble!

The Miami Hurricane's have trouble coming from the horizon, When Booster Nevin Shapiro, got caught for a 900 million dollar Ponzi scheme, he decided that he wasn't going down alone so he brought up clams about him giving gifts to players. first think like ya, it happened to other teams like Ohio State, but its different. The thing players got where never like the things Miami got which were they were wined and dined, yacht party's, Alcohol, brought to strip clubs, giving money, cars, and finally prostitutes.Some of those players where Andre Johnson (above), Jon Beason, and Devin Hester. The NCAA has been investigating for the last 6 months and have decided they might use Death penalty. This is because this is there second violation before their probation had ended. Anyway to sum it all up, Miami football is probably going to have a major problems recruiting wise. I just feel bad for Golden who is the new head coach because no one told him about these allegations before he signed with miami. And then on top of that Kim kardashin is getting married, So ya this week is just a Sad week for Miami and Me. But back to the Hurricans for a second, it just isn't right that they have to suffer for what previous players did.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Surprise Surprise no really Surprise-free agency

     With the NFL Lockout done and the Free Agency Frenzy in full bloom, some surprising transactions have taken place. Lets start with the most recent one, Plaxico Burress signs with New York Jets, It was arguably the most mind blowing deal so far this off season. As Espn analyst reported, He was actually speaking to the Eagles saying he would join their team if they met his price, the jets asked if that applied to them to he said sure and no he's flying high as a Jet. Then, there is Nnamdi Asomugha, who was suppose to sign with the Jets but then the Eagles came out and signed him, And Ronnie Brown who signed with them also adds to the star power on that team.With the additions the Eagles have made, everyone who bang wagons will being hoping on theirs. ‎"I feel like we are the Miami Heat of the NFL."- Jason Babin on Eagles additions, and I agree cause the Have 3 of the best players in the league. This was like a punch for punch fight between the Eagles and Jets to see who could acquire the better players, and a rivalry has just grown, it'll be fun to see these two play.  And Finally, We have the Pats and Seahawks. The patriots took a risk in getting Albert Hanesworth, who last season couldn't pass his conditioning test until three times after. They also acquired big shot Chad Ochocinco who is sure to give them a boost, but he won't be the star wide out there yet, he has to go up against Wes Walker. Now I think we will be seeing alot more of the Seahawks in the playoffs now that they acquired Sidney Rice and Tavaris Jackson, remember these two have had a connection before since they we're both at one time starting for the Vikings, and with the Seahawks going to the playoffs last year they have only added talent. The only factor is they lost Matt Hasselbeck which Idont see as a big deal since they now have Jackson, Now dont get me wrong Matt is better than Jackson but they woun't not make the playoffs cause one man left.

Monday, July 25, 2011


  After four months of negotiations It's finally done, it what we've all been waiting for the NFL has been unlocked. I feel like its a video game you couldn't unlock the "next level" (The next ten years, since that's how long the new collective bargaining agreement lasts) until you beat the "level" you were on (which was the lockout). During the press conference Roger Goodell  said "We know what we did to frustrate our fans over the last several months, they want football, and our job is to give them football." I think that statement sounded strong but, like something that would come out of a politicians mouth trying to win votes. That wasn't the strongest thing that was done in the press conference today, Colts center Jeff Saturday gave a giant hug to Pats owner Robert Kraft who lost his wife last Wednesday, due to cancer. Now its time for the coaches and GM's to get to work, tomorrow at 10 am they can start trading players, they can sign rookies and undrafted free agents (the biggest one being Terrelle Pryor), and teams can negotiate with Vets but cant sign them. Thursday at 4:01pm teams can cut players. Then friday the teams can start signing free agents (some big names being Deangelo Williams, Randy Moss) at 6pm.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NFL Lockout may end tomorrow!

 The NFLPA and the Owners may have the lockout ended by tomorrow, but they are missing one important asset for that to become reality. They are missing the vote from the players on the deal that was purposed. Now they have agreed on part of the deal that would give intensified injury protection benefits, the option for players to remain in  a league sponsored player medical plan for life, an annual increase in the minimum for rookies by 10 percent which means the minimum would increase each year for life (of the NFL), and 12 percent for second year players. They might have a deal done by tomorrow but as Mawae said and I quote "We're not tied to a timeline of July 21 ( tomorrow, when the owners are scheduled to meet in Atlanta). Our timeline is to get a deal that's best for the players -- today, tomorrow or whatever it might be." most reporters think the lockout will be done by the end of the week, but I think it might actually get settled next week sometime.

Friday, July 15, 2011

USA Womens Soccer

        Just two days after the USA women's soccer team pulls off a remarkable comeback against Brazil they had another comeback win against France. Wambach I think is truly the greatest player on the USA team, she just sparks the team up with every goal she makes. It seems that she cant go wrong with headers (she had two in the last two games one being the game winner). Then you have Hope Solo who is one of the most greatest goalies out there and if she makes a mistake (by not paying attention to a defender behind her in the game against France when the defender stole it right from her hand)   then tackled the defender to save what could have been a goal. Japan better watch out Sunday, because the USA is going to give them a run for their money.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to the club

 Derek Jeter has entered the 3,000 hit club. And what other way to do it the homer it, and a pair of Jordan cleats made especially just for this occasion called the DJ3K cleats.The ball is estimated to be around $250,000, but that didn't seem to phase they guy who caught it because he gave it right back to Jeter and due to his kind gestures the Yankee's gave him four tickets in a suite for every game left this season including playoffs and World series if they make it. And to make this even a more perfect moment for the man and Derek Jeter the yanks won 5 to 4 and jeter went five for five. He truly is a living Legend.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Deron in Turkey??

  Big news is starting to get confirmed by many sources that Deron William of the New Jersey Nets says, he will play in Turkey if the NBA Lockout isn't resolved with in the next few months. This could be a major problem for the Nets and Himself  if he goes to Turkey, because if he is injured oversea's his contract  it's protected. All in all, I think he actually will play at lease one game oversea's along with a couple other players. I dont think you will see another big name like him taking that risk.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Lockout's

    The NFL Lockout is 109, almost 110 days in and Reporters from every saying they expect the lockout to be finished within the end of the month or early next month. The Player Power Rankings are up with Tom Brady ranked number 1 going into the season, I think ESPN experts were in Limbo when they decided this. Tom shouldn't even be the Player let alone the number one QB. But anyways, I think both sides (The NFLPA & Owners) thought that it wouldn't last this long and just want to get the deal done, not caring if they end up going 50/50 on the 9 billion dollar deal. Finally the fans get what the fans want!

    The NBA is on the verge of a Lockout as July 1st is creeping up, and the two sides (NBAPA & Owners) far far far apart from coming close to a deal. The last couple months of talks have been a joke, because they knew they weren't going to do anything until the season ended and then once it ended they just we're not focused on getting a deal done and I would like to see David Stern take a salary of $1 til they get a deal done. The thing I love about this is Teams like the Blazers are trying to save they're free agent players ( Greg Oden who was offered a 8.8 million dollar tender )so they can have them once they resume the season. And the only ones really suffering are the fans they are sending out an SOS and the NBA is acting like they never say/heard it, but hopefully they will. All I can say is  shame shame shame.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No more T.O???????

    T.O, the 37 year old is free agent this off season had surgery recently on a torn ACL according to many sources. If these reports are true Owens could be out til December, and if things go wrong it could be the end of the Owens era. Now how the injury occurred is un-decided between the fact if it happened during a VH1 reality show or an Off season workout.  If he comes back where would he end up after this lockout? Maybe Miami? Or if this is the end of the road will he be inducted into the HOF? Many question arise.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


                                                                     MY TOP PICKS

Pick One:
Cleveland selected Kyle Irving the guard who came from Duke University.   I think this was a solid pick because Lebron, who left, last year played like a guard, even though he was a forward. Kyle is the same height as NBA superstar Derrick Rose who is 6-1 without shoes  which is kind of short for a guard in the NBA.   Average height is 6-3.  I really like this pick because The Cavs have no guards.   I know your going to say they have Baron Davis, and Daniel Gibson, Baron Davis is old, ineffective, and is probably going to retire after this season.  Daniel Gibson isn't that good but he isn't horrible.  They need two guards to play right so Kyle and Gibson would probably start.  Any good player they pick will be a great addition due to the fact that they just need to rebuild the entire team.

Pick Four:
 Cleveland selected Tristan Thompson who basically sealed up the spot Lebron had left.  So now I think they might actually be better (On paper, as a team) then when Lebron was there. No disrespect to Lebron but now they will have Tristan on one side at the Forward position and Antawn Jamison.  Antawn was struggling this year but I think he will bounce back, he just needed to get adjusted to the game-play of the Cavs.

Pick Eight:
The Detroit Pistons picked up Brandon Knight who spent one year at the University of Kentucky, and was debating whether or not to enroll into the Draft.  I think he could have waited a year or so more to go into the draft, he is what the Pistons will build they're team around in the coming years. I would like to see how the kid who came from a high school in my area ( Pine Crest) will do in a city where there is really no help, since they want to keep RIP Hamilton on the bench.

Pick Nine:
Kemba Walker was selected by the Bobcats. With him becoming the immediate star and mentorship of MJ he might as well be compared to D.Rose, or Wade. I definitely see him winning a couple of MVP awards and maybe even a Championship. I mean just look at what he did at Uconn, expect big things, big things.

Pick Ten:
The Bucks got the Jimmer range, I expect him to be a big three point threat like Ray Allen.  I actually think he will surpass Allen as the three point king during his career. I am completely confident that he will be great.  I'm just wondering how he will match up to Brandon Jennings and if he will be an underrated player.  I think he resembles Mike Miller.  He needs to improve on his work inside the paint.  He's quick and great at defense and that's what will get him places.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2011 Champs

 Congrats on Dallas Winning the 2011 NBA FINALS. There was a couple of things I didn't like in this series. Lets start with the refs in Dallas I mean it looked like it was rigged calling all these bad fouls on Miami, Then that affected the outcome of the series the Heat could have took the 3-2 lead instead of the Mavs then they might of won the whole thing. But whats done is done right. Then On Facebook and Twitter it felt like there was a earthquake from everyone jumping off the Heat bandwagon. The MVP award went to Dirk for his crucial performance, you can kind of think of his performance as MJ's Flu game, because even though he didn't have 60 something points like MJ did he won the most of the games for them, now don't get me wrong Jason Terry had a major impact on the Finals but Dirk was the closer. Also I hate how everybody decides to hate on Lebron, It's one man give me a break yea he could have done a much better fourth quarter performance in all the games, but he had to much heat on him (no pun intended). I was watching Espn today and I liked what one of the commentators said to LeBron," Don't try to be Jordan, just try to be yourself that would/will be good enough." Now at today's last Heat media session Wade said this, " We had a true, professional, hardworking team. This team was strictly professional. Through everything that we went through, no matter what, we all stuck together. That's what was special, what I will always remember about this 2010-2011 team. This team, short of winning a championship, was as perfect as we could be." I agree but the only funny/ true thing I've heard since Dallas won was " While everyone gangs up on Lebron for losing the Finals for the Heat I'm going to welcome the League into the brotherhood of the Lockout"- ESPN commentator Wings.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Game 4

      After tonight, the Miami Heat could take a commanding 3 games to 1 lead on the Mav's. Now I'm not going to start saying o yea the Heat are going to win, because these games have been way to close. The only reason I think the Heat have the lead is thanks to Wade. I mean sure we have had help from Lebron but I would like to see more of that umf, more of that fire. And truly I think we should be beating them in games by a lot more, none of this crap where it comes down to a 2-point win. Look how we lost game 2 (which I was lucky enough to go to thank you Mark) Dirk got the little finger roll and scored with 3 seconds left, and everyone blames it on Bosh how about blaming it on Spolstra. Now last game there was a lot of calls that were bull, and everyone knows it (yea you to Mr. Cuban) it really did look like the Mav's paid the refs. On the last play it looked like Spolstra learned a lesson and put UD on Dirk. We need to be able to also contain Marion. We are suppose to be the " Big Three" now lets play like it, It's the NBA Finals. Now tonight I say with the great Defense we have been showing we should be able to pull a W and for some reason I think Chris Bosh will be monstrous tonight. O yea, here's a fun fact since 86' every team who has won game 4 has won the championship 100% of the time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


 Well he finally did it, after 19 seasons, Shaq has retired. I've been waiting for this day almost the same amount I've been waiting for Brett Farve to retire. He had a great career and will go down as one of the best who has ever played. You might be saying is he on drugs (talking about me and what I'm saying), no he only fell apart with in the last 3 seasons. Kobe had more rings with Shaq there. The game will miss him, but maybe he will go back to being a cop. He played with Orlando, LA, MIAMI, Pheniox, Cleveland, and Boston.

Monday, May 30, 2011

NBA Finals

    Tomorrow is the day where the rematch of the 2006 NBA finals start. Dirk vs the Big three. Speculation on weather wade is injured or not is still in the air, they say he's not but could that just be a cover up? He participated in full practice today and so did Jones, Miller, and Haslem, who were all out of practice because according to and Erik Spolstra guys were hitting to hard in Practice. Sometimes I wounder if that's the anger of some players toward other's. Now to the over look of the series, only about 3.125% of NBA fans are rooting for the Heat and about 96.875% are rooting for Dallas. I think its facetious when an NBA coach who was just beat by the Heat ( I'm talking about Doc Rivers who is the Celtics head coach) comes out and says "I hope they get murdered out there (In the Finals)" I mean come on dude they just beat you 4-1 in your series, have a little respect. When Espn asked Wade about how all the people out there are waiting for them to fail, he responded " Of course sometimes you take it personal but some things that are said, you just have to say really..really..really. Lebron will be the main factor of the series no doubt but he cant get the stuff the said about him being better than Jordan in his head. That's how they lost some of their games, by thinking their better and thinking they don't have to try as hard. I have no disbelief that the Heat won't win the series but lets try not to forget they don't just have Dirk they have a man that started with Miami over their and his name is Butler, o yea and Kidd who's the co-captain of the Mavs along with Dirk. But I think their bench is actually better than ours so on that note this series should be interesting.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Stop drop and Roll!

 Heat pull of a remarkable 83-80 win over the Bull's. At the start of the fourth quarter the Heat bursted into flames causing everything around them to burn. You would think that Rose would know some common sense when you catch on fire and start to burn you have to STOP DROP AND ROLL. Congrats Miami the 2010-2011 Eastern Conference Champions. Lebron finished with 28, Wade with 21, and Bosh with 20. How can you stop three guy's who score 69 points on you. Now lets see what type of fire will catch on in the series in Dallas, my guess is something to the state of a blazing wild fire.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Replay of 06 Finals....

     That's what it looks like, with the Mavs already in the Finals, and the Heat a game away from going into the Finals. Man, it would be great to see these two remarkable teams just fight punch for punch (not literally obviously) to win that gold plated trophy. But First the Heat have to get it together as theyre down 45 to 38 at the half. I highly doubt the fact that the Bulls can win 3 straight games against the Heat, so ya. The matchups wouldn't be fair Dirk against Bosh, Dirk wins. Berea or Kidd on Wade, Wade takes that. And Finally,  Marion on Lebron, I think you can answer that your self. But who needs/ wants the ring more Lebron or Dirk. They both have final experience but the only difference is Lebron got swept by the Spurs and Well Dirk got dismantled by Wade in game 7. Should be a good series, but I take the Heat in 5. I mean Lebrons tat says he's the chosen one so I'll go with that.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The brink of extinction....of the playoffs

For todays win, the Canucks can thank Sami Salo, and Ryan Kesler for the win. Its incredible how these to players managed to score three goals in a remarkable one minute and fifty-five seconds. At one point, the Sharks had too many men on the ice, which gave Vancouver a chance to score yet another goal, and they do what they seem to be doing best lately CAPITALIZING.If Vancouver makes it to the Stanley Cup Finals, it will be the first time they go in 17 years. Vancouver won 4-2, and are up 3-1 in the series.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

One All

   With last nights major victory the Heat even the series up at one a piece. A major contribution to this success was Udonis Haslem. I think most people forgot how good this man is, He is a co-captain along with Dwyane Wade. Last night he put up 13 points and 5 rebounds. He has to be the most under-rated player in the entire NBA. Lebron who showed up big last night with 30 points said this about Udonis, "Big props to my man Udonis for coming up big last night!With two defenses like we got facing off, this is serious. Can’t wait for Sunday." With friends/teammates like this, this is how you win championships. If you have Lebron & Wade putting up 30 a night then, Bosh & Udonis putting 15 a night, No one can stop them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Down One

   Miami is down one game to none in Eastern Conference Finals. This is one of the first games that I have watched that the Bulls win without Rose scoring 30 pts or more. This game showed that they are still a little like the same old Heat that they were in the begining of the season. This was a reality check for the Heat. Ya they might look better on paper, but its hard to say who's better in person. They can't just blow games like this one, and for once they can't blame Chris Bosh he was actually productive, who had a playoff high 30 points. Heat lost by 21 points 103-82. I say with this very tough series its going to take 7 games.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Memphis who?

    The Grizzlies have brought a serge of sports life to Memphis. Tonight they play OKC in game 6 and it could be elimination for them, but do I think it will be? NO, they have worked to hard to get this far, they have to come out with a sense of motivation. They should be able to contain Durant, and Perkins. They really need a good showing from Zach Randolph. Also they have to support the fans to get their minds of the tragic floods that have been going on in Memphis. Zach Randolph made the All NBA third team, and we can see why. I actually think Memphis wins the Series

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


    Can you say Eastern Conference Finals, I know Doc Rivers can't! A hell of a game out there tonight, even with Boston shooting just under 50% from the 3-point line the Heat pull off the 97-87 win. The Heat can thank one major person for this win and that's Dwyane Wade. Ya you might thank Lebron for his clutch performance at the end, but he had to pick it up since Wade was slowing down. Lebron just really stole the game with the game breaking/ stealing 3-pointer. Just a great overall performance, amazing to watch, but it would have been better to be there. Dwade finished with 34 pts, 10 Reb, 5 Ast, 4 Stl, he is the Hero! It pretty funny because the Celtics looked like the Heat in the beginning of the year winning in the 1,2,3 quarter, but blowing it in the 4th. Now All they can do is prepare for the winner of Chicago vs Atlanta. Boston "too Old" Celtics

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


    Is that what everyone could be saying Phil Jackson? And If so, what a horrible way to go out especially for a future hall of fame coach. He is the only coach to have 11 championship rings, some thanks to MJ. The Lakers got swept, I know it happened but who would ever think the Lakers, back to back champs would get swept. If you watched the game you would have saw that he actually punched Pau Gasol in the chest, he lost his cool. once he go home he must of cried because, all the hype they and the fans has saying crazy crap like "Three peat" it's gone. And how about their main man number two over there, Andrew Bynum he is suspended for the first five games of next years regular season. They were so bad in game four that the Mavs bench had more than their starters really feel like sending flowers to all the Laker fans saying sorry for your loss (of Phil Jackson).

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Whats up with LA?

      With last nights 98-92 loss to the Mavs, the Lakers are down three games to none in the in the Western Conference Semi-Finals. No team has ever come back from that deficient, but according to Kobe Bryant they must be different because he said,"I don't know, I might be sick in the head or crazy or thrown off or something like that because I still think we're going to win this series." That would be amazing because to see them play the Thunder (if they advance vs Memphis), would be a spectacular game. I think the big key to last nights loss was the absence of Artest, If he was in they could have used his 3-point shooting. Kobe can't do it himself with the lack of effort from the big men (mainly Pau Gasol). They lost these three games because of player to player match ups. I think LA can win but, they have to put all their heart into it!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shaq to play Game 3

  Well, after missing the first two games of the series vs Miami, Shaq is expected to play. Doc Rivers said that he expects everyone to ready in Game 3. Last game they got beat physically and mentally, with 5 players ( including Shaq) having injury's. Paul Perice strained his left Achilles, Ray Allen getting a bruised chest from Lebron, & Rondo & Jermaine O'Neal with back problems. From this perspective it doesnt look good for them to win game three in Boston. If they lose they might as well just give up on the series because no team in NBA history has come back from a 3-0 game defficent.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Lebron spins around Rondo and throw down a dunk!
\    Game two last night was a highlight reel for the Miami Heat. Lebron but on a show, and so did Dwade. These two are unstoppable, they combined for 60 points. Now in the first half, they Heat were only shooting 39%. That didn't stop them. The defense was beautiful, the big three were playing their hearts out, and that's how you win games. Garnett was struggling to get points with Bosh guarding him, but it seemed to be a team problem. Lets talk Big Baby Davis, he kept driving in and missing. If it doesn't seem to be working for you why do you constantly keep trying it. I'm not going to lie, it was a well fought game, but the major thing I loved in this game, was when Boston would call a time      out and Pierce would try to talk to Rondo, but he would just blow him off and walk away. You need team work to win, would would think Boston would know that but they don't, or maybe its just that they are to old. Whatever, I'm sure Boston fans will find some excuse for this. Heat take series 2-0 into Boston I think Wade and Lebron should back a broom because they are going to sweep them.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Sacramento? Kings

    Yes, after much debate the King will stay in Sacramento. They where going to move to Anaheim, Calif but the plans fell threw. This gave mayor Kevin Johnson one more season to build a new arena, or else their out. The kings finished the season 24-58 which gives them the chance in the lottery to get another great player to fit around Evans and Cousins, Maybe someone like Kemba Walker who knows but maybe if they leave next season they can leave with some pride coming off a winning record.